Products: Science Product Validation Schedules
This page houses the latest GOES-16, GOES-17, GOES-18, and GOES-19 science product validation status and schedules.
This information is current as of September 20, 2024.
All dates are subject to change.
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Changes since the GOES-16 June 24, 2024 version:
- Cloud Cover Layers was declared Provisional Maturity on May 16, 2023
- The Provisional PS-PVR for Ice Motion (new capability, not a baseline product) has been rescheduled from June 20, 2023, to Oct. 25, 2023 due to issues in the post-processing clustering algorithm. GOES-16 and GOES-18 will be reviewed together at this PS-PVR.
Upcoming Full Validation PS-PVRs:
- 12/09/2024: ABI L2+ Snow Cover
- 05/16/2025: ABI L2+ Cloud Cover Layers
- 04/17/2026: ABI L2+ Photosynthetically Active Radiation
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click on image for larger picture
Changes since the GOES-17 January 28, 2022 version:
GOES-T launched on March 1, 2022. After reaching geostationary orbit the satellite was renamed GOES-18. GOES-18 replaced GOES-17 as NOAA’s operational GOES-West satellite on Jan. 4, 2023. GOES-18 data availability and product validation information is current as of December 6, 2023.
click on image for larger picture
click on image for larger picture
Changes since the GOES-18 March 21, 2023 version:
- Cloud Cover Layers was declared Provisional Maturity on May 16, 2023
- The Provisional PS-PVR for Ice Motion (new capability, not a baseline product) has been rescheduled from June 20, 2023, to Oct. 25, 2023 due to issues in the post-processing clustering algorithm. GOES-16 and GOES-18 will be reviewed together at this PS-PVR.
- Dates are now available for the GOES-18 Full Validation PS-PVRs.
Upcoming Full Validation PS-PVRs
- 09/28/2024: ABI L2+ Clear Sky Mask, Cloud Top Height, Cloud Top Phase, Cloud Top Pressure, Cloud Top Temperature, Derived Motion Winds
- 10/12/2024: ABI L2+ Derived Stability Indices, Fire/Hot Spot Characterization, Legacy Vertical Moisture Profile, Legacy Vertical Temperature Profile, Total Precipitable Water
- 11/09/2024: Aerosol Detection (Smoke and Dust), Aerosol Optical Depth, Downward Shortwave Radiation: Surface, Land Surface Albedo, Land Surface Reflectance, Land Surface Temperature, Rainfall Rate/Quantitative Precipitation Estimate, Reflected Shortwave Radiation: Top of Atmosphere
- 11/21/2024: ABI L2+ Cloud Optical Depth, Cloud Particle Size Distribution, Sea Surface Temperature
- 12/09/2024: ABI L2+ Snow Coveri
- 12/29/2024: ABI L2+ Ice Age and Thickness, Ice Concentration and ExtentS
- 05/16/2025: ABI L2+ Cloud Cover Layers
- 04/17/2026: ABI L2+ Photosynthetically Active Radiation
GOES-U launched on June 25, 2025. After reaching geostationary orbit the satellite was renamed GOES-19. GOES-19 is planned to replace GOES-16 as NOAA’s operational GOES-West satellite on April 4, 2025. GOES-19 data availability and product validation information is current as of September 20, 2024.
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click on image for larger picture
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Upcoming Beta Declarations
- 09/25/2024: ABI L1b/CMI (was 9/18)
- 10/09/2024: GMAG
- 10/18/2024: EXIS
- 10/22/2024: SEISS
- 11/04/2024: SUVI
- 01/21/2025: GLM
- 01/27/2025: CCOR *PS-PVR, milestone owned by SWO/NCEI
Upcoming Provisional PS-PVRs
- 11/29/2024: SEISS SGPS
- 12/04/2024: GMAG
- 01/03/2025: ABI L1b/CMI
- 01/08/2025: ABI L2+ Group 1 (DMW, Mask, Phase, CTP)
- 01/08/2025: SEISS MPS-Hi
- 01/22/2025: ABI L2+ Group 2 (FHS, LAP, RR, COMP, CCL)
- 01/29/2025: ABI L2+ Group 3 (LST, LSA/BRF, SRB, AOD, ADP)
- 02/05/2025: ABI L2+ Group 4 (SST, FSC, IAT, ICE, IM)
- 02/07/2025: SEISS EHIS
- 02/11/2025: SEISS MPS-Lo
- 02/24/2025: CCOR *milestone owned by SWO/NCEI
- 02/24/2025: SUVI
- 03/11/2025: EXIS
- 03/27/2025: GLM